About the Art

All with Meaning

Creating artwork for our event was essential as it embodies the essence of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's teachings and the transformative work he does globally.

Each element of the artwork is thoughtfully designed to reflect the themes of inner peace, holistic well-being, and the journey towards a joyful life. The visuals serve not only as promotional materials but also as a symbol of the serenity and wisdom that participants will experience. The artwork's vibrant colours and soft design elements resonate deeply with the event's mission, enhancing the overall atmosphere and connecting attendees with the profound impact of Gurudev’s message.

The words below are from our artist, Anieszka Banks.

The Peepal Tree also referred to as Ficus religiosa, is one of the most sacred trees in religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is considered to be a symbol of longevity, wisdom, and protection. Under the peepal is also where Buddha is said to have got enlightenment.

Sacred Symbolism: The Peepal tree holds a sacred place in various spiritual and religious traditions, revered for its association with enlightenment, divinity, and cosmic energy. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Buddha attained enlightenment under the sacred Bodhi tree, believed to be a Peepal tree, illuminating its status as a symbol of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

It is also SO PRETTY.

The Plants

The Lotus (Kamal - Nelumbo nucifera), emblematic of grace and spiritual ascent, is central to Hindu philosophy. Emerging from murk to sunlight mirrors the soul's journey from ignorance to enlightenment. The Bhagavad Gita reveres the Lotus, using it to depict hope, purity, and detachment. Lord Krishna emphasizes the lotus leaf's trait of staying untouched by water, suggesting humans act without attachment. 

The Lotus's ties with the Hindu trinity further amplify its importance. Lords Vishnu and Brahma are often shown seated on a lotus, and Goddess Lakshmi, symbolizing prosperity, is associated with this revered bloom. Similarly, the Sun God, Surya, who represents wisdom, is linked with the Lotus. As its petals open at dawn, it evokes the eternal union of light and enlightenment.

This 'Flower of the Creator' contains a deep symbolism.

The Shapes

Triangles in sacred geometry are thought to symbolize balance and harmony. The three-sided shape can also be related to the body, mind, and spirit, and with an upward-facing point, it indicates raising consciousness. When pointing downward, it has also been associated with feminine energy and reproduction, as it resembles the womb space. I have faced them up and down te represent both these energies

Squares in sacred geometry represent a very practical and solid energy. Think about the base of a pyramid—it's a square. So this shape can be thought of as foundational and dependable. It's very stable, grounding, and safe. I have used these as part of the border to give the design structure, reliability and a solid energy.

Six Pointed Star - Hexagram
The symbolism of the 6 pointed Star is a powerful Yantra symbol known at “The Shatkona”. It is a symbol used in Hindu yantra that represents the union of both the masculine and feminine form. More specifically it represents Purusha (the supreme being), and Prakriti (mother nature, or causal matter). The hexagram has been used in India for thousands of years, and can be found on ancient temples and in daily use; in Buddhism it is used as a meditation aid to achieve a sense of peace and harmony, and in Hinduism it is a symbol of the goddess Lakshmi—the goddess of fortune and material abundance

6 stars because:
The number 6 is associated with harmony, balance, nurturing, and service to others. It represents the qualities of love, responsibility, and domesticity. People with a life path number 6 are often compassionate, caring, and dedicated to creating harmony in their relationships and surroundings.

The Colours

Gold represents understanding and luck. Remember though that nothing comes from nothing, It is the most powerful healing color, but so powerful that many cannot stand it initially and must be conditioned to it via other colors. In the aura, it represents service to others.The outside of the border and stars are yellow/ gold for this reason as it is what feels closest to the AOL brand goals - service to others and powerful healing. 

Red symbolises energy, passion, strength, courage, physical activity, creativity, warmth, and security. It is also associated with aggression. In healing, use red to bring warmth and burn out disease. Red is a powerful color and should be used in moderation. The aura red signifies materialism, materialistic ambition, a focus on sensual pleasures, and a quick temper. I've just used red sparingly because of the above interpretation, using it in conjunction with the square shape to create the feeling of security, strength etc.

symbolises the individual's relationship to the external world, the needs and wants of the physical body, and how these are satisfied, the world of work. In healing, orange may increase immunity and sexual energy. In the aura orange signifies thoughtfulness and creativity. I've interspersed this colour with the red square to integrate the power with the creativity. 

symbolises intellect, creativity, happiness, and the power of persuasion. It is also associated with cowardice. In healing use yellow to promote clarity of thought. In the aura yellow signifies intellectual development, for either material or spiritual ends. The outside of the border is yellow/ gold for this reason as it is what feels closest to the AOL brand goals. 

symbolises money, luck, prosperity, vitality, and fertility. It is also associated with envy. Green is the colour of healing; it is beneficial in all healing situations. In the aura green signifies balance, and peace and often indicates ability as a healer.

I chose the Peepal as a plant with a lot of green, also the leaves were heart shaped which I Ioved. A lot of people will see Gurudev as a healer so it made sense to use a plant that was special but also allowed us a lot of green. 

The Artist

Anieszka Banks

Anieszka Banks is a freelance illustrator based in Auckland, New Zealand.

Mixed media illustrator Anieszka Banks spent the first twenty years of her life living between Europe and New Zealand. Now permanently based in New Zealand, Anieszka focuses her practice on the idea of using illustration to illuminate or throw light on what is in the dark.

Anieszka works across many mediums with acrylics, paper cutting, collage, photography and drawing. She also teaches art one day a week to a group of students with intellectual disabilities. Her personal interests lie around environmental and social issues, and the artist’s societal responsibility to respond to them.
